天津商赢进出口贸易有限公司是天津地区专业的进出口贸易公司,主要经营各类帽子及羽毛制品的进口和批发等业务。我公司经营产品种类繁多,价格公道,且秉承"顾客至上,诚信为本"的宗旨,不断提升服务质量,深受国外客户的信赖与称誉。 Tianjin Shopping Win imp.& *域名隐藏* .,ltd. is a Tianjin import and export of professional company, mainly engaged in the export all kinds of hats and feather *域名隐藏* company includs a wide range of items and sell products at reasonable *域名隐藏* uphold the principle of "customer
主要产品/业务: 各类帽子产品,羽毛制品。 All kinds of hats and feather products.